My San Antonio adventure begins…sort of

Did you know that Capital City Airport in Lansing has free wireless internet?
Yes, we are on the cutting edge in Lansing.

So, I’m sitting on the floor typing these words so that I can be near an outlet.
When using a computer, my advice is to always plug in to an outlet when one is available. Sure the computer will work without it for awhile, but why test fate? Why give it one more possible reason to fail? My old Dell needs all the help she can get.

Why is it that I have time to write on my blog on the floor of the airport?
My first flight on my trek to San Antonio for the National Writing Project (NWP) and National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE) Annual Conferences has been delayed between 15 minutes and an hour…making my connection in Detroit questionable, but still a possibility.

Anytime something bad happens, though, there’s usually a positive to balance it out I find. And so I called my daughter, Rachel, and asked her to come back to the airport. You see, I left my glasses in the car. Right now, the text size is up to “Largest” and it’s helping, but almost four days without glasses would not be a good thing. I’d be buying a new pair of reading glasses the first chance I got. Anyway, as it is, she’s on her way and what looked like a bummer is working out okay. Thanks, Rachel. Plus I’ve been able to use the free wirelessness of the airport. I’m sure I’m paying for it as part of my ticket, but I’d rather not think about that now. I’m just looking forward to seeing with clarity again soon.

That is, if my glasses make it through security.

2 thoughts on “My San Antonio adventure begins…sort of

  1. Hate to disappoint you, Kevin, but I’m still in East Lansing.
    Our plane had ice issues and we came back…too late to make any connections until tomorrow.
    See you on Thursday…with any luck.

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