Today’s word is ‘miscellaneous’

‘miscellaneous’ (misəˈlānēəs) adjective — (of items or people gathered or considered together) of various types or from different sources.

synonyms: various, varied, different, assorted, mixed, sundry, diverse, disparate

These days, information is flying at us at warp speed. I have trouble categorizing all of it. Organizing the onslaught of information into usable bits. So every once in awhile, I have a blog post like this one.

Here are a bunch of random thoughts and photos. Some need no explanation and some, whether they need it or not, I’ve explained.

The first photo (below) is how I often feel, whether I’m working around the house, writing something, or teaching a lesson. It’s all good, though. Just journeying on….

The second and third photo have an Abraham Lincoln theme and a ‘how things have changed’ theme. Then there’s humor, of course.

The fourth photo is of my 6th hour taking the Smarter Balanced pilot test. This is not a posed photo. They look incredibly demoralized because they are. The fifth photo is of a screen we saw too many times when trying to get students logged into the test (uber frustrating).

The final photo is of a vehicle I saw parked in a regular spot in Washington D.C. I want to say it was my taxi, but that would be a fib.

Bonus Poem: my sweet old etcetera by e.e. cummings

your plan


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